Thursday, February 21, 2008
{ 7:05 PM }
ZeeLLa & Me

First and foremost,i injured my right knee during 2.4KM IPPT yesterday but i went see the doctor today and was given 2 days of MC,i was told to rest because my knee injury is kinda bad and i cripple in a way when i walk.O.C granted me the gate pass and i went straight to my grandma's house but i was looking forward in using the internet but too bad,the internet modem is spoil and all i could was lay around,i went back home around 7 plus and quickly change and get ready to go
makaning with Zeella and I,as we have not met for a long time but Hirzi and Asween followed us to Simpang Bedok and we had great food i must say,the pictures tells it all.i am so happy to meet the 3 of u and it certainly perk up my day,all thanks to the knee injury.
I am kinda upset with some people around me,here i am trying to change but they are not giving me any chance to do so,and i do understand my flaws and i am trying to improve on that,please give me some time as i adapt to a few changes in life which i am happy and contented.It upsets me to know that our biggest competition is cancelled,although i agreed to show commitment but somehow problems keep popping out and i am sure u guys are pretty pissed off by it,but i know i have did my part and i have nothing to say,but i just wished and pray for the best.because i felt the bonding is just not the us anymore.i can't even see all of your actions with my naked eyes and that makes me wanna move on and be a better person but deep inside,i love u guys.
Honestly,to these two people,i am really happy for you guys,u may think i am joking but this is what i wanna say,
Alhamdulilah,God has granted your wishes boy,be thankful to him and make sure u really take good care of her,i know u will,i can see your actions and all,i am sure u did make a good bestfriend,sooner its gonna be a good boyfriend,i am moving on slowly but i am learning it in her heart pain way but i felt better because i know i can overcome all this turmoils and i am sure God is there to guide me as always,i pray that he would blessed me with patience and the ability to be strong.its been two weeks since our official break-up,and i am still coping with it and i am thankful my friends are there,not forgetting my family,i know the reasons for the break up and i don't wish to prolonged it,just that i hope one day God would show u the path,and honestly,i don't hope for u to come back,if u were meant to be with me,u will come back in safe hands,i do wish to be with u too but maybe in 4-5years time if God's willing.right now,u both got what u wanted without thinking of the negativities because i know u guys won't care but like i say,do whatever u want.and to my X,thank u for still respecting me.i love u for that,and i would keep my promise as usual,to be there if u need me,but for now,i'll be gone for good and i wanna wish u all the best in your future,take my life lessons as an example and i am sorry i flung myself too.i would never forget the first day u let me enter in your life and i know i love u for what u are.i pray for u guys happiness.Amin.

To Zeella
Thank u for being the angel soul in me and thank u for being there when i needed u and thank u for supporting me despite everything,all your kindness would be remember each time i miss u .
u would fight Mr Right soon sis.its the matter of time and please know i love u sis.i just wanna hug u as i type this.please pray i can find someone who loved me all the way. :))
To Seri
u are one great trend setter,thank u for changing the lil style in me,its ghetto dem babe.
honestly,i thank u for the encouragements that u gave me and the little scoldings that u say
it did wake me up and i realize a lot about the inner self in me and i know what i want.
Seri and Amir,i pray for u guys happiness as always,be strong for each other because i know that i can see the future in you guys.don't be like me,i have lost another part of the world and i have to start from scratch .i love u guys so much.
i miss my groove dancers baby.
i know why these few people did these to me but for a second,i always believe in Karma.and i know Allah is with me always.