Saturday, November 29, 2008
{ 3:54 PM }
i had to update about something right here
rmb my last poast about i have a crush since i knew that someone
but because of her mum
its not definitely what u think
to be honest
its my old school friend who i had crush on her
but sadly her mum doesnt like her to have a bf because she was dump by someone she reallly love
so i hope i clarify here alright
dont get me wrong seriously =)
lucky God showed me the path
because i felt something is wrong somewhere.,
i donno
i started changing yet people still diss me
Friday, November 28, 2008
{ 7:40 PM }
I'll be starting work in 2hours time and here i am blogging to pass time
so i can reached work on time and thats my night time duty for tonight
i am pretty shag right being waking up early as 6am to get ready for my eye appointment at 0830am
so went there and it took around 1hour for me to see the doctor
she gave me eye drops to cure the eye dryness or so called eye lubricants
she also gave me LidCare cleaning solution to clean my eye lids as it was oily
it was common to face all this
it happens in everyone just that some of us find it nothing at all
After that i check it was only 0945 and i was suppose to meet Hafa at 1045
around Outram for late breakfast and while waiting for her call
i played my laptop at the Polar Cafe @ SGH as it was a hotspots area
had myself Ice Lemon Tea & Chicken Pie to fill my empty stomach
around 1030 Hafa called me and told me she just went out and told me to meet at Bugis
and i agreed and left there
so took the train 15mins reached already and met her and went to have early lunch since breakfast is over
she had Filet mean and i had myself double cheeseburger meal
and we talked about updates and crap
and she saw this Guess bag and wanted to buy but somehow i brain wash her not to buy as she can get better bags at a lower price because later she would complain
"Haikel,I am Damm Broke no Money"
2 part paling boring :)
so she bought this bag costing around $80 at accessorize and left for work with one on eher friend who "Lost" the tickets
i dont wish to say anything
i stay out of this mess
so hafa left and i went home and i went to the optical hut to get myself a new spectacles at my left eye ia really bad a'know
then get myself a haircut but the hairstylist make it too short and i dont really look good in it
although i am regular there
never mind
what done cannot be undone
i was having this little though
i like u since we first met
it was like the feeling of first love
but i dare not say to you because of your mum
i acted normal with u and stuffs but at times i am jealous
but i dont bother that much as i have nothing to really show u what i have
maybe in2-5years time
if fate was really meant for us
u are just that sweet litlle girl that turns me on
but its bad that we cant really contact that much
but sooner or later i tell you
to the other special one
can see u are moving on
great yeah
Thursday, November 27, 2008
{ 1:33 AM }

Britney Is The New Sex
well the day today has been really well for me
nothing to complain much as everything was normal
work is as usual
did security today and just slack
had pepper chicken chop today and stuffs
with my blueberry 1.5L
i just love the aroma and brew in it
i went to have a smoke after work with the boys
and reached home in 20minutes
basically nothing to update now
i just want to get my bod buff up and eat more
exercise more to train up
he's is quite skinny but got the lovable face
i need to stop smoking and really train up for my physical
there nothing to update and my replies to the tagboard fans
Myself-Z: babe..i really wish to know angel hearts like u,do tell me yeah,i know u are someone who has the heart of kylie minoque ;) i thank u for your support and believe towards me aight?Myself-Passerby: sweetie pie,thanks for everything its better to reveal now then later alright my baby bro batch? mmm i see thanks aight ((:afterall people
i do have friends who care for my well-being
and i dont need extras in my life to ruined it
it just slipped through my fingers
i wish to say that i really really want my life as normal
having my family to be happy always is my Number 1 Priority
i pray hard Allah give me guidance and the correct path
i want my future to be full of happiness and full of loving people
and to that someone down there
i do care for you although we are just friends
keep a lookout for yourself but deep inside
u have me alright
smile because u know i made u melt =p

to my dearest bestfriend
wipe away those tears baby because u are a strong
sweetheart i am talking like the americans now
what u think its right think about your happiness and not others because at the end of the day its u who lead your
remember my advices use them as a guide u have me and i have u and i love u so much
you are part of my entity here for infinity
from my sexy eyes u have made an effort to change its just him who doesnt learn enough about your character and i dont really want to be the middlemen but i am yours when u need me sweetie pie just holla me up at my digits meet up soon and stay strong
thats all baby
and i miss chatting with Lydia A.
she is so sweet
and please eh
takmo nak kembang
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
{ 11:29 PM }

thats the other 2 idoits behind me
Life has been ultimately as per normal
maybe after the confessions and the hoo haa
all is like normal but i wish to know the nicest and angel heart people who tag me saying all those good things and keep motivating me to go on with like i used to
live my life to the fullest
but to those who tag me
i really thank u and my love goes to u
i know in this world there is people that are the most nicest thing on earth
even when i am stuck in a cold with my hands trembling
there would be someone coming with a blanket and hot chocolate to keep me warm and company
i really hope there is a change in my lifestyle soon
i been thinking real hard which friends i should really keep
those who treat me well would be kept in my everyday heart
and for those who don't then i would just let it go away
i am keeping strong here
people see me smile and make them happy with my stupid jokes
but sometimes i wish they asked me about how i felt and stuffs
but i rather go through all alone
if others happen to drop by here
it all started on my confessions and my rants on the
21 november onwards and i hope all turns out well
and to that special person
u dont have to worry
i am what u know last time
i change for the better and i am glad for myself
even mum says i much more patience now
i started praying and i feels good although i miss some of it
whatever it is
i know who i got behind my back
jyeah back to today's event
i had work and finish at 3pm
played soccer with boys at CAGE
patrol joined and it was fun although i was bullied
*kening naik naik*
but tetap okaay
my legs all bruised up already
and i wish to say it here that i am happy and thankful being posted to Team 2
My TL & ATL is the Best
although we face or in the future got conflicts
i hope all went well
only my team know how lucky to have a Team Leader like her ((:
thats it folks
{ 4:49 AM }

When I think about it
I know that I was never held or even cared
The more I think about it
The less that I was able to share with you
I try to reach for you, I can almost feel you
You're nearly here
i am feeling lost right here with nowhere to hide
i admit i loss myself in this
i had to lose someone who loves me for who i am
but please don't leave me hanging
i am still not stable and i did told u were special to me
i do treasure and love for what u are
without u and your advices
there is no room for confessions
i don't wanna force myself into this cycle because simply i am not ready
i was speechless by your SMS yesterday
it tells a lot about your courage
i can put myself into your shoes
maybe i was being selfish towards u
i got my reasons love
i didnt know that u have to be a hypocrite and wrote all those dirty stuffs about me
where i am the nicest thing on earth as claimed by you
is this the treatment i get for being selfish and not getting into any affair with u
right from the start i told u my everyday rants
u were my best listening ear and a best budd
i sometimes imagine if we dont work out well
and i meet another woman and stuff,we still maintained the way we are and sorts
i dont know about you right
a little respect has gone but at the same time
i do understand your plight and sorrows
whatever decision u made afterall
its your own choice and if u suffer with it
be patience because u learn from it
imma gonna be the same towards u and stuff
imma keep myself cool down here
i got my guidance slowly right now
and if i dont have a chance to say this
once again
thank u for all the effort given by u
if there is another word that can express my BIG thanksfullness to u
i woulkd have use it and your text msg lingers in my cellphone
i didnt really change after we met
i just not ready to be with anyone
but I pray hard that God would make me a better person and learn with the choices i made
Please Take Good Care Of Yourself
whatever it is
Haikel's just a call away
Beep me at my digits
Monday, November 24, 2008
{ 12:42 AM }
Closer [x4]
[Verse 1]
Turn the lights off in this place
And she shines just like a star
And I swear I know her face
I just don't know who you are
Turn the music up in here
I still hear her loud and clear
Like she's right there in my ear
Telling me that she wants to own me
To control me
Come closer [x3]
And I just can't pull my self away
Under her spell I can't break
I just can't stop [x4]
And i just can't bring myself no way
But I don't want to escape
I just can't stop [x4]
[Verse 2]
I can feel her on my skin
I can taste her on my tongue
She's the sweetest taste of sin
The more I get the more I want
She wants to own me
Come closer
She says come closer
Come Closer [x7]
I just can't stop no [x4]
And I just can't pull myself away
Under her spell I can't break
I just can't stop [x5]
Come Closer
Sunday, November 23, 2008
{ 10:48 PM }

i swear i need to get out of this cycle asap
only that someone knows
i am in a state of split personality
i just cant understand myself now
am i going through a feeling where i am going to be a better person
or its a sin for me to go through this shit
or its a bad luck?
but the question is
when can this problem stop?
i guess a lot of people dont understand the way i lead my life
i maybe lead the wrong way but where is the guidance i need
the GREAT up there is always watching for my back
i am thankful but i pray hard it would give me the right path with the right people
i dont know now
has time come or i still have to wait
i am 19 now and i need to set record straight
in years to come I'll be much more older and i cant be the bottom end
i need to get my life back to track
i need my education to support me
and i just need few people to be with me through out this life
honestly to repeat again
i love myself for being who i am
because of my aura personality
i can blend myself with people i just met for about 10mins
be it both sexes because maybe that's what i am till i die
let me take u on my roadside
for work life
i have been able to mix with everyone that comes into my life
and some of them says
hey haikel
amacam(with the cheeky and bright smile) of them patrol officers
i would give them the smile of mine(pasal smile aku manis) =)
and all of us get a bit of cheeky and flirty
then we talk about girls
as my working colleaques
we do talk laugh and all shit
we communicate argue but we still be the same
no hard feelings
just that one night i was doing Security with Sharrifie and we seldom really talk but tat night we just like had guys talk and yeah it sound gay but we were talking about our own lives
my experiences and him
about our past loved lives
it made me respect him
he is riding a spark and he is not like those typical mats that riding and just fuck girls around
he is different man
gua salute lu uh dok =)
one thing i realized is when i joined traffic police and in team 2
my life change
it has its disadvantages and advantages
i seldom played soccer or didnt touch at all
but i started loving soccer when i mix with them
the bonding and those unhappy faces but we still continued life
maybe we guys dont really tell out whqat we felt
but i do for myself and thats y i have a blog
i want people to understand me for who i am
i am so different from some people
but now i now i got this someone
she is not my gf but she is a special friend
she is someone i cn just throw questions without feeling weird
and she is the reasons for my confessions
but i know myself
i maybe the sins of the world
but i wanna get my life straight again when i reach a certain age
where nonsense is a no no for me
when i really get someone special
i am ready to hit the weddin dais
i wanna love my futue wife that she herself feels lucky to have me
when she feels she is in cloud nine
maybe right now i am not wanted by anyone
or people dont find me interesting
then i am sorry but my main intentions right now is to get things back ontack
start having self-help books for myslef
and yeah i thank god for being different then others
i just wanna be the best
and if anyone out there who could feel me and reach me
do tag me and leave details
i just wnat the best for my life
and yeah so on and so forth
i am new person now
Saturday, November 22, 2008
{ 6:32 PM }
back to continued my previous entry
i got good feedback from passerby about me being really open my life
its like a documentary
i appreciate it
but at certain point yesterday night
i asked myself whether i did the right thing
and yeah i did
so that those dem haters can gobble up
i now know what it feels to be honest with yourself and people
if there is still haters
so be it
i rather be with people who loved me for who i am
and what they do and efforts to made me into a better person
a passerby tag me saying the good things and i thank him/her for that
i just wish i could know your identity
and eka please
there is nothing about u okay :)
jangan terasa dok
u didnt come across my mind though
i owe a lot to that someone
u know who u are
u tag me using dear haikel
i am yet to discover your true identity
but u did made me wake up and be someone wortwhile
thanks dear
i dont know how 2 thank u
u might be the fairy in my wonderland
but dont get too upset with my words
i just hope people understand my life better now
but those who wish ti know me better or wanna ask about what i go through
i'll be happy 2 do so .
thanks love
at least now i can manage a smile
Friday, November 21, 2008
{ 7:49 PM }
i am just the guy next door
Everybody's talking all this stuff about me
Why don't they just let me live?
I don't need permission, make my own decisions
wow people
u judge me just like that
its been a few days since i last update and i wanted to update something fruitful about my monday and tuesday where i played soccer with the boys and durians with the old folks
but i guess this is much more important
i wish to keep matters between myself but when Shinx tag me
i had to do something about it
and the person who tagged me
i know who u are
coz u told me so
i am not angry with u
maybe u are much more wiser than me simply because u know everything
let me tell u bit about myself
sarcasm is my second language
i had to blog about all this because people out there cant stop talking about me because i am a hot topic
and the more i kept quiet the more the mouth like Cheebai
yes honestly
i was a fucking jerk and a fucking boy few months back or maybe during my secondary school years
i have a paranoid feelings
i smoke
i had sex with my loved one
i was a fire starter NOT
hypocrisy is my blood
i had the most horrific character
i club
i pick fight and i ruined people relationships
i was called GAY
i was called Bisexual
i was called Stuck up
these are what people know about me last time and till now its still the same thinking u people have
don't u ever think ?
i swear and i cont wish to elaborate
i became like this thanks to that 'special' one who ruined my entire life
my first four months of NS
people don't know
but those bend it like beckham people understand my life
they brought me to another phrase where i can just sit down and enjoy simple moments
it was hard for me but then i got it through
thanks to the people and also myself who wanted a change
i took another step in my life way better then others
its been 10 months now and i an see myself at a greater heights
let me tell u what i have change
i have freaking' move on
i still smoke
i don't club unless if i felt like too
i don't have sex with any girls till now
because i felt i can only make love to someone i love
and i loss to someone
yeah u may think its disgusting but this is
i became paranoid when i know someone played behind my back
but one thing i know God has given me a special character
someone with feelings and i can feel something is not right easily
and yeah after the broke up
i felt like turning Bisexual or Gay
maybe because the people around me made me too
but i still stand my roots and ground
Don't get me wrong
I'm really not souped
Ego trips is not my thing
All these strange relationships really gets me down
I see nothing wrong in spreading myself around
i picked fights and ruined people love affair?
that's absolutely wrong baby
i am not that kind of person and i know how it feels
because i been there done that
and i am not stuck up
i change and i know i am humble person with little needs
i was a fire starter but for the right reasons
and please people
if my past has been telling u those horrific stories and u chose to believe
by all means
that baby is not that innocence at all
i know u been telling bad stuffs about me
and u keep doing that
come on numbskull
move on with that fucking life
live your life
aye aye aye
but those people who again believe
i guess u have not learn to stand on your on
u still need your mama to change your everyday clothes
and yeah to that SOMEONE who thinks otherwise
i thank God for letting me into your life
u know me different form others
i change because i had too
at times i just felt lazy about my life and i dont care
but people like SHINX HAFA ROS ISMAIL and to name others
made me think wisely about my life and my choices
now i know what i want in my lfe
and yeah i got a crush on someone but we dont contact at all because fate hasn't meet us
but i pray one day she might be the one for me jyeah
i love my family friends and others
but please leave me alone
i dont be a burden to u anymore
so please just stut up and leave
and yeah to the person who tag me
please ask and convey my special lovely message to your Naf * her friend
to stop spreading around ba dnews about me before i dom something which u wont like it
u told me to control myself and now im doing u that special favour by keeping quiet
oh yeah
i havent become a celebrity yet but the world knows about me
even throught the snow of fifth avenue
but i am HAIKEL =)
thanks for waking me up at the right time
and yeah to peace all the people who wants to know why i dont have gf now
its all thanks to that someone in the past
but yet i forgive her and just act normal
but KARMA is sweet people
its not i want to rake up the past but people made me too
and yeah i couldnt trust any girls right now
but i know when i am ready
i know God is forgiving for what nonsenses i have done
and it wants me to learn from my mistakes
and yeah to add to this little post
i am someone u shall look for at the last resort
i maybe a stuck up but when u know me better
u loved me so people
stop talking about me and my life
i know when to react to situations given
but so far so good
i have nothing to day and i am leaving for work now
thanks for reading yeah
Sunday, November 16, 2008
{ 6:47 PM }

Self-Confessed Hafa
i am currently boring now
rotting at home lying down and eat
eat eat
my eyes getting better now
thanks to Miss Murrray for your undivided concern and care
and yeah
hafa just called me and say that HSA caught her and Farhan at Far East For smoking
but too bad HSA people
she turned legal 18 today
and those people must be fools
and still got the chick to wish her happy birthday
what the fark
tommorow after work gonna hit the soccer cage
with colleaques and yeah
lately i been plaing guessing songs by putting lyrics in someon'e blog
i am the chris brown :)
and u must forgive me as at times
i tend to forget my songs
{ 2:41 AM }

whats with the sleepy smile?
the pictures say everything
this is what i had with hafa today
supposedly to meet this woman at 1545
but as usual she got hold up and managed to meet around 1630
my intentions was to go shopping but end up makan only
at Fish&Co
so we went to heeren and i can tell u the customer service is very good

the customer service is very good and she didnt notice ((:
notty hykell

Chilli Crab with Spicy Sauce

New York's Fish&Chip
hafa ordered fish &chips while i ordered myself a weekend dish
and that is Chili Crab with Spicy Sauce
and i tell u kits only $20 and very tasty
very good and my tongue really like it so much that i finish every single bit of it
uh-uhi am enjoying my food definitely
and only thing i regret
i was told by dad that this restaurant is not halal
i felt guilty now but first and the last
please forgive me

the bread that used for eating with the chilli crab

the sour juice

this shades i bought is @ far east plaza @12.90
i find it nice and style
i need to save my money now
i need to start buying Flesh Imp products and new clothes
time for a new styler baby

the side view of me

peace to everyone ((;
met shahmee with hafa and laze around
didn't talk much as i was bit shag
my eyes is getting better
i cant wait to get back to work on Monday although MC has been extended till wednesday
but i doubt so i am still gonna be on MC as my allowances would be cut
what the fark )):
met C.a and his friends,the cherry lips and one sweet girl,
bump into a friend of mine and was attracted to her sister
then jeng jeng jeng
only god knows
i am so blank now
as i dont know what to post
lately strange happeneings has been laying around my house
i have been thnking what can i do to stop these nonsense
prayers prayers
and yeah guys
today marks the day of a girl whom i called my bestfriend
her name is Hafawati
she turned LEGAL 18 today
i am so happy for her
now u can club u can smoke without feeling afraid who might just check on u
check check minta number & i/c
i wish u a fruitful joourney in your life
be happy with your loved ones,hope u like the dress
happy birthday haaaffaaaa ((:
i am tired,just finished watching home alone 3
i guess i shall hit the shits now
good note
and to eka lovestop comparing me and your ex-BFi am much more capable and better personi have bigger and better ball u knowbut i understand continue looking at my pics yeah((:
to my dearest sister
just hope u stay strong
all this are obstacles
i am being faira nd nice to all
although alot of shits has been done
i pray for your happiness and safety
keep loving your loved ones
they might go without u imagining it
i love u :)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
{ 2:40 AM }

smile everyone

the hot singer with the footballer

that smoke cuase my chest to have pains.

sheesha or what

smoke that out

kite lagiii
alright bloggers
i just got back just now from sheesha session with hafa and bf
plus their soccer cliques
this freaking hafa called me at 1945 and asked me if i have plans or felt like going out
i felt reluctant first but if i throw away this offer
i would not get my lazy bones up
and thanks to the new eyedrops,
my eyes are getting better and Alhamdulilah
so i met them at Zam Zam and even Shahid was there
so we lepak there before going to Al-Majlis to have our session
we had four flavours and do a lil cam album

hafa & Farhan
got this girl from the clan caught my eye but too bad,
she is dating a good guy so i wont start
i am a nice guy
end up i paid extra but its okay
maybe there is more for me
help hafa with cab fare and i started to get giddy
reached home couldnt breathe properly
had a quick bath and mom applied vicks for me
it felts better now and at that moment,it feels like it was my last moments and i swear
i am so gonna cut down on smoking and sheesha
the smoke is too much for mu cute little but sexy chest
what the fuck?

shahid and hykell
hey brother
u know who u are
thanks for being the same towards me alright
at least it proves to me whether u are 17
u are much more matured then the person
u chose what is right and what is wrong
but i dont blame the other party
maybe she has good reasons but so
hati perut mesti ader okaayy
and please eh,tkmo nak abang2 :))
now i am like very hard to sleep
gonna wake up early
planning to hit town with hafa
i am so gonna shop tommorow
and leave hafa to droll until the 25
anyway i got this little dream of mine
its been really what i want but i do need the support and qualities from a expert
i felt like being a singer although i dont think i have a good voice
be someone popular but humbel
i am really into the entertainment scene but am i ready to face whatever tabloids or rumors that gonna hit me
i always wanted to be like CB(which some people say i am la)
okay aku merepek
i wish i would geta miracle or i'll work my ass off
i hopw i could get the role for police Drama
it may be a big break for me
and so for singing,i'll ask someone who can help me
with patience and love
i am going to force myself to bed
and i got dance in me so i guess i can make talent a everyday workout
pray for me guys
and people who are very sincere to me and nice and lovely would be my management
i guess hafa would be the first one
Friday, November 14, 2008
{ 7:25 PM }

Check This Out ((:
1. What is sore eyes?
" Sore eyes" is a common term for an inflammation of the thin covering of the eyeball and the inner eyelid brought about by a viral infection which may be highly contagious.
2. How does sore eyes spread?
Sore eyes can spread by contact of contaminated hands with the eyes (hand to eye contact ) or through touching of eyes with hands which got into contact with contaminated surfaces or objects. It can also spread through droplets from a person with sore eyes who also has a runny nose or cough.
3. What are the signs and symptoms of sore eyes?
1. Redness of the eye
2. Eye discomfort describing as burning or gritty but not sharp
3. Vision is usually normal although smearing particular in waking, maybe common.
4. Pain on the eye on exposure to light
5. Water-like discharge commonly seen but later eyes maybe difficult to open in the morning, glued together
6. Runny nose and sore throat maybe present
4. How long does sore eyes last?
Signs and symptoms of sore eyes will peak in 3 to 4 days, and patient will be relieved and recover in about 10 to 14 days.
5. What are the complications of sore eyes?
After a severe and prolonged infection there can be corneal scarring that can result in glare and decreased vision.
6. Is there a treatment for sore eyes?
Sore eyes which is of viral origin is self-limiting. Anti-inflammatory and antibiotic eye drops or ointment may be used upon the advice of a health professional. To relieve the discomfort, warm compress may be applied to the eye 5 to 10 minutes three times a day.
7. How to prevent sore eyes?
1. Wash hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water.
2. Do not touch your eyes and face without washing your hands.
3. Do not share towels, eyeglasses/ shades and make up.
4. Do not reuse handkerchiefs (using a tissue is best).
5. Used make-up must be thrown away if the patient has been diagnosed with infectious conjunctivitis.
6. Be careful that tips of eye drops or ointments do not touch the eyes or eyelashes. .
7. Don’t swim (some bacteria and viruses can be spread in the water).
8. Avoid shaking hands.
9. Disinfect surfaces, doorknobs, counters, elevator buttons, hand rails with dilute bleach solution.
10. Clothes, towels, pillow cases and anything else which may have come in contact with an infected person should be washed.
8. What should patients with sore eyes do?
1. Frequently wash hands with soap and water.
2. Use clean tissue to remove discharge from eyes and wash hands afterwards.
3. Dispose used tissue in garbage bins. If the latter is not available, keep tissue in a small plastic bag then discard it as soon as you find a garbage bin.
4. To prevent irritation of the eye and possible scarring, do not use contact lens while one has sore eyes.
5. Do not wear eye make-up until the problem has been resolved.
6. Warm compress may be helpful to relieve discomfort and remove "crust".
7. Use antibiotic or antiviral medication only upon prescription by the doctor .
8. If drops or an ointment is prescribed, the applicator tip and infected eye must never come in contact with each other.
9. Especially for persons with sore eyes with runny nose or cough, stay in a separate room or away from other family members or co-workers.
9. Should I report for work if I have sore eyes?
1. As much as possible, do not report for work. However, if unavoidable circumstances require you to report for work, especially if you have sore eyes accompanied by runny nose and/or cough, stay in a separate room or away from other employees.
2. In workplaces where you mingle or work closely with other employees, it is best to stay at home.
10.Should I go to school and attend classes if I have sore eyes?
Spread of sore eyes can be hastened by crowding and close contact with other persons thus, those with sore eyes are advised not report to school.
11.Until when should one be absent from work or school?
Until the symptoms have resolved and until there is no discharge from the eyes.
12.What is conjunctivitis?
Conjunctivitis is the medical term that describes an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin membrane that covers the white of your eyes (sclera). This membrane produces mucus to coat and lubricate the surface of the eye. When the conjunctiva becomes irritated, the blood vessels enlarge making the eye appear red in color.
The three common types of conjunctivitis are: viral, allergic and bacterial
{ 4:28 PM }

this wasnt the actual picture though
MediaCorp Radio YES933 FM's DJ Dennis Chew is lately referred to as the "Duke Zhou". But this is not the usual "Duke of Zhou" whom we also commonly refer to as the "God of Dreams" but one who speaks of ghosts, gets your hair standing and gives you nightmares. And if you are ready, Dennis he is about to share a true ghost story with us.
"I'm not a superstitious person but I would rather believe in it (ghosts)," he says. Dennis has not only heard "them" speaking but has also seen them with his own naked eye.
He was filming a music video in an old dilapidated hut which used to be a French embassy when something out of the world happened.
A "third party" appeared and stood listening to Dennis and the director's discussion. "He (an old man) has grey skin and was wearing a colored security guard's uniform," he describes. Dennis tried to signal the "third party's" existence but the director did not seem to get it.
Dennis went numbed on seeing the "uninvited grey-skinned guest" but in order not to frighten the rest of crew, he chose to keep mum, bit his teeth and got over with the filming. He was trickling cold sweat when the director shot him close the door. "At that moment, it was in front of me and behind the door. When I close the door, he suddenly appeared beside me! How is that possible within such a short period of time?" he exclaims.
The last scene was at the top floor of the hut. Dennis was absolutely unwilling, nonetheless obliged. "Director is this shot confirmed the last?" he asked. They proceed after getting a positive reply. Just when the director was about to give instructions, they heard heavy footsteps.
The director was still oblivious to what was happening until the moment when they were taking the last shot, the director started coughing badly. Then they heard footsteps again coming from the next room and it was even louder than the previous. The director pretended to be indifferent then he suddenly shouted "Wrap!" for the crew to pack up and leave. The cameraman was just glad to knock off.
Dennis and the director then left in the same vehicle but none of them spoke, except to make an appointment for a meeting at night. When Dennis was home, he went straight to bath and was devastated the moment he took off his clothes. His entire body was full of scratch marks. Though it does not hurt, he was so afraid he just cried.
When he met the director that night, they began discussing about the strange encounters earlier on. Though the director did not see the "third party" but he did sense it. And it happened that the director's abrupt cough earlier on was because "someone" was strangling him. Dennis was not the only victim; the director also has bruises all over his body.
When the cameraman finally met up with them, he said, "I was napping in the car when I had a nightmare. I dreamt of a security guard strangling me!" Dennis and the director stared at each other, speechless. "Perhaps it was because the group of us was noisy and not respecting them; they didn't like it, so" Dennis says.
"Actually they (ghosts) are everywhere; morning and night."
This interview was done in broad daylight but the above sentence turned the entire atmosphere cold. Dennis usually narrates ghost stories on weekend nights over the radio waves; the lack of facial expressions and actions seem to have downplayed the scare factor. The entire interview session face-to-face made hairs stand, but was hilarious too.
"We suspect that the cameraman is a virgin, pure and innocent; that's why he was undisturbed," Dennis laughs.
It is Dennis's distinctive flavor to inject humor into ghost stories and lighten the cold atmosphere with laughter.
He has also recently released a collection of ghost stories on compact discs.
i found this on the net so i share it with u guys
those aspiring artist who which to do videos of their album
or those aspiring pornstars
please do think twice on which location and do the necessitites if u doing in ulu places or never step by humans before
say a little prayer
{ 2:29 PM }

this is how terribly my eyes is
but i manage to crack a smile
those unsexy eyes
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
{ 5:46 PM }
guess what
i might not go for rihanna
because hafa's friend apparently lost the tics at work
stupid kan?
yang bawak g kerja buat ape?da gatal nak tunjuk2?
sekarang da hilang
semua tak jadi
merepek sakk
macam sial
{ 5:10 PM }
i am so bored to the core now
really have nothing to do except lazing on bed playing the computer and eating
sore eyes is killing me man
the eye drops helps though
i didn't come to work as precautions
means i have lose the NO MC at all criteria
what to do
sore eyes can be spreadable
and i dont want to infect the rest
1 week MC is more then enough
but i'll make sure i get well soon so i can return back to work tommorow and also catch rihanna live in action this thursday with Hafa and her friend
FIS,dont get angry i wrote about u guys eh ((:
i was browsing through when i found

FIS latest dance video in it
it was super dope,no wonder they clinched 2nd
and even nurul was doing her rap and i must say she is good
i cant say much as i am not a rapper and i dont want to create any controversies
because there is people who might get upset
remmy wasa all-rounder and i am sure everyone knows about it
he must have added a touch of glory in it
i am sure people who followed FIS trails sure understands that they always bring new concept to each event or competition and thats why they win
lets just continue to support them and pray for them
mungkin melayu boleh berja dalam soal seni
and they did it
and he best thing,they still humble
lets hope for the best ((;
certainly i felt i have change to a better man
nt really change fully but the bad points has go
slowly i'll be worth living
but as long i got the company of my loves
nothing can never stop me
and pray that i got through the audition
i hope so
i am so gonna return to work tommorow
{ 2:35 AM }

i wake up at 630am today
i felt so shag and just wanted to sleep back
but i just remember that i got an audition for a role in police force
i tell myself to overcome the fear and nervousness
then my dear Rajini text me said she couldn't make it as her son was sick
i was like speechless for a moment
but i decided to give it a try
to cut it short i reached around 9am
get to know a few guys from other division
and the in-charge came to brief us and look at me and str8 away told me i am doing a bad guy
memang aku ni muke jahat :))
tapi hati baik
so the first scene goes and it went well,i was told to stay and tryout another scene as a CNB officer and now i am waiting for your call
hope i get the chance to be on TV
i then went to work with bad sore eyes
just go and left around 4pm from work for circuit training
it was super uber fun and nervous
its my first time driving a car man and i have a lot to learn
then went back to work feeling weak and told kak ju about me going doctor tmr and she advises me go hospital today and i did
to c\sgh and waited 2hours and doctor said i have sore eyes and to be given 1 week MC
i wish i could but i dont felt like having MC
i have no mc rate since i enter TP in June till now
i wanna maintain but at the same time
i have to be responsible,dont want the rest to get infected
wish me well
and my prayers goes out to abby abadi
my fav and i really pity her
we men dont appriecate beautiful girls with beautiful souls.
but then Allah knows whats in store for us
abby baby
be strong and pray ahrd
u not reading this i know :)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
{ 11:26 PM }

HAFA buncit
First and foremost,
i dont make this post to angkat u but my feelings have to be really honest with u
we started really close this year
best friends yaw
we known each other for several years but we talk when needed
she was in my class and i can still remember all those stupid and insensible events
getting into trouble and punishment together
this is Hafa
i have another one call efah
but she is so busy with work
hope she is well
back to what i was talking
hafa is someone u could depend on
only at times she *step* busy
but she be there whenever wherever u can be
there was a time Farhan her BF hated me
thought i was having an 'affair' with her
which is not true
she went to the extend of fighting for me because she knows if i were to fight back
things get worse
i dont wish to say what she said or stand up for me but it can make any men melt
thanks for that once again
we always go out on weekends
chill and also meet up during weekdays
because her busy footballer bf is always with balls
not enough balls i guess ((:
at times we may argue about the simple things
such as different opinions about girrls and stuffs
about where to go and eat and which clothes to buy
three words to say about hafa
Gorgeous.Caring.Heavenly Friend
i just hope it stay true as it is bestie
i wanna see u in my future
the one who sets foe me everything wedding in 10years or so
u be the bridesmaid or i be the bestman for your wedding with farhan
hope and pray for
sorry for my last minute bubble games 'i had to at times
but u are the gil who is at the back of my mind always
and u are my "against all odds"
do appriecate me in whatever u can
and please control your spendings
think about other and i wonder who's birthday
in 6days time
i am so gonna check her things out on wednesday
hafa i love u bestfriend
and u have my shulder to cry on(imaginative demostration)
psst* this is what u called a true friend
and hfa ,jangan aku tulis ni terus kau berubah.:)
{ 5:49 PM }
my tagboard is gettin cool and hot then ever ((:
but its okayy laaa
since "watsup" says i am wrong
fine then
i'll keep my mouth shut and not because i am scared
i was told by MY BELOVED sis to ignored
enough if your taggings laa.
sorry if i was wrong
but let me repeat this again in malay
haha ((:
lucky i got friends who i really called friends
thanks people..
{ 12:16 AM }
Happy Birthday To Dad
best wishes from us
hope u get to see us enter another phrase of life
and u keep advising us
we love u ((:
{ 12:06 AM }
i am sorry sweetheart
i just cant have a relationship now
maybe i am just being plain dumb or selfish
i just want u to know that i want the best for all
even if the decision hurts
but i know u are one of a kind girl
u are the understanding girl
u put others first
i look up to u due to this
i have a lot of flaws
but i am a change person now
i wasn't the Haikel u used to know
i happened to step into lives that gave me confidence
life threatening stories
they gave me what i called life
and u have matured yourself
if i am yours
i'll be,if not let nature takes its course
whatever it is
i know i can count on you when i needed someone
brace yourself girl coz
u are one in a million
Friday, November 7, 2008
{ 7:37 PM }

Thursday, November 6, 2008
{ 8:53 PM }

congratulations to barack obama
i dont know if the spelling's right
but let's just wish him good luck =)
{ 6:23 PM }
i am in deep thinking right now
am i really ready to be with someone special?
the main part is i already moved on
so u dont have to worry
as i am only contacting u but not any other girls
they contacted and i just talk for a while and put down my cell
i just hope things could turned out right
because i dont want any dramas of our lives to happened again
what past is already a lesson
i dont need more love gurus to teached me
one is already enough
doo give me time and we still going to meet up
my feelings right now are mixed with love and curiosity
are we ready or we just let love happened?
i am trying to rectify the theory here
i like u/love you too
i needed my own time to really think about it
and i hope u can really stop your sarcasm
it wont do u no good if i say its your dopeboy who's gonna choke you with his impressive words
i am so dead beat right now
i just felt like sleeping all the way
and to rihanna inpersonator
thanks for the wish
please perform well on that day
7days to Rihanna and 6 days to PAY day
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
{ 3:07 PM }
Diagnosed with love
I'm staring at the clock
It's a quarter to three
I'm tossing in my bed
Cause I just can't sleep
Cause you're not here with me
I'm reaching out for you
I wish I could talk to you
Trying to figure out what's going on with me
I'm used to having all the answers for everything
Oh girl
I think she is the one
Where is that coming from?
It's so crazy
Baby, you simply amaze me
So much more than lately
I owe it all to you
(Owe it all to you)
All those games, we
Used to play now
Seems so lame to me
What I'm coming down with
Feels new to me
All I know is that you are the cure
Cause I've been diagnosed with love
Does anybody know the answer to this question
Cause I'm confused so now
I'm opened for suggestions
My heart is talking loud (so loud)
What is this about (about)
I'm really changing now, oh
Cleared all the numbers out my phone
Done left that whole life alone
Those are two of the symptoms I see
And I believe
Oh girl, I am sure
That you are my miracle
It's so crazy
Baby, you simply amaze me
So much more than lately
I owe it all to you
(Owe it all to you)
All those games, we
Used to play now
Seems so lame to me
What I'm coming down with
(So new to me, can somebody tell me)
Feels new to me
All I know is that you are the cure
Cause I've been diagnosed with love
(Lemme hear you say)
Na na na na na na (oh wee)
Na na na na (hey) na na na
If anybody feels me
Let me see you wave your hands
I'm diagnosed with love
And say, "I'm diagnosed with love."
And let me hear you say
Na na na na na na (oh)
Na na na na na (baby) na na
Cause girl, all I know
That you are the cure, baby
It's so crazy
Baby, you simply amaze me
(Baby, you simply amaze me)
So much more than lately
(And I owe it all)
I owe it all to you
(And I owe it all to you, oh)
All those games, we
(All those games we used to play, baby)
Used to play now
Seems so lame to me
What I'm coming down with
Feels new to me
All I know is that you are the cure
Cause I've been diagnosed with love
Love, cause I've been diagnosed with love
Cause that you are the cure
Cause I've been diagnosed with love
Put your hands together now
Everybody put your hands together now
You are the cure
Cause I've been diagnosed with love
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
{ 7:17 PM }

hello =)
i am back blogging
first and foremost
a very big apologies to hafa for cancelling out meetup at a very last minit
i know u waited for m but i am deeply sorry about this
i owe u one
and i just hope u are not angry anymore
take good care of yourself and get well soon
u know i care for you
last long with farhan ((:
meet up soon which i really wont cancelled ((:
to that lovely person who is currently i my life now
thanks for hearing me out and knowing the truth about your friend
which i dont want to mentioned as she doesnt have any love for people
little did u know that she is damm hypocrite and damm bitch
but i just hope u could trust me and put her aside
seriously i cant trust girls that much but u are phenomenal
i just hope u could stick to what u are now
and dont eat too much later sakit perut susah okay
and please u owe me a kiss and ten reasons was good enuff :)
Monday, November 3, 2008
{ 12:21 AM }

i am a good girl gone bad ((:
Standard - S$225, S$185, S$150, S$125, S$95
Please add to above price $3 Booking Fee for tickets above $20 and $1 Booking Fee for tickets $20 and below. Charges include GST where applicable.
Multi-platinum MTV and Grammy award winning artist, Rihanna, will be bringing her hits to Singapore this coming November to complete her quest for world domination!
Performing for the very first time here, this talented Barbadian singer is ready to wow the audiences with her signature catchy hits and sexy dance choreography with elaborate stage outfits.
Having sold over 12 million records worldwide, including chart-topping songs such as, Pon De Replay, SOS, Unfaithful, Umbrella, Don't Stop The Music and the latest single, Disturbia, which charted in top 10 in several countries, this show is guaranteed to keep fans rockin' to the tunes.
So what are you waiting for? Get your tickets and experience this R&B/Pop phenomenon now!
This is one great performance you definitely do not want to miss!
For more details,do visit
Another world class event brought to you by Midas Promotions .
and the best part
she is one of my favourites and i had to fork out $125 to just watch her
and be going with none other then my lovely bestfriend
hope all goes well
but i got one rihanna in singapore is already enough
u know i know la
but i am gonna get a picture with her ((:

this is the another rihanna i am talking about
any other clones?((:
Sunday, November 2, 2008
{ 12:46 PM }

looks like she is back
the NO 1 Song called womanizer was the best
and we all hope she would be a success again
like how she was 10years ago
lets pray for her :))
we surely want to see her back in the scene
and i am boring that's y i decided to do this