when shall all this problems stop?
when can see my family's happiness?
when is that?
why things i wanna achieved so hard to come by?
i love them

the family that kept me going
they are my blood
separating is what they want now
but how about my another 2 brothers?
i just felt like ending myself
well i almost did just now
i love my mum so much
she can be a bitch at one time
oops sorry
but which mother doesnt?
i defended her no matter hw bad the situation is
sometimes i am angry with the way mum treated me
but i still love her so much
she does everything for me
although mostly i do
she never fails to ask me
have i eaten and how's my day?
is just a but but its the thought that matters
i dont know why so suddenly i love my mum so much
only god knows how i felt
i started prayng a week ago and i maintained it
i am not boastful here but i guess its time i change for the better
i am not that good boy yet
i still smoke and sometimes vulgarities is my second language
but thanks to colleagues
i dont know
i decided to take a private diploma in communications @ APMI Kaplan
but a good soul told me its not recognized in SPF
so i got to check with the manpower tommorow morning
its time i break the chain of my family
be the first to earned big bucks without getting spoiled and wild
i keep praying for the best of my mum and dad
but it seems futile
looks like im joining the boats of friends whose family is divorce
and i dont know if i can cope
my dad is a n easy going where he agrees to almost everything
where else my mum is abit difficult to convince and we need 1000words to let hergive blessing
maybe because mothers know best
i love both of them so much although i dont really showed
let me tell you the dramas of my live
i have two lovely brothers
one named Danial 16years
and one named Adil 15years old
both were really i love so much
who doesnt?
from young i carried them,we had laughter
even did evil deeds together
but as we grow up the bond started to loosen up
my danial went inside boys home and still inside there for deeds he did and to reimburse himself,he went in and i lost a hope in himnot because he cant change
but because i lost someone i could talk to
share jokes and even when comes spring cleaning
when both of us just felt like cleeaning the house
and when he comes home every weekend now
we rarely meet because of my shift work
and i am always busy when he's not
but we did managed to smile and a pat on the ack
followed by some stupid arguments and i love him so much
he's my blood
as for my adil,he is the cutest and the laziest but still adorable
he was a very good boy since young and smart too
all of us thought he be the best and near to perfect
but one fine day the world around him changed him
he wasnt what we imagined
he smoked and stuffs and did out of things that he supposed not to do
he gets probation and soon he entering a place where he can be taught to appriecate things and change and that place has the religious activities
and all i can say i hope for all the best in him and danial
i just hope all this hardships are temporary and i want to see a brighter future where they can feed my parents and their future family
they are always in my prayers and i knew they are borned for a reason
some people out there dont go through what i went but i appriecate to the Great
because it taught me about simple things and hardships of life
i am thankful i can control myself
i have done bad deeds more than they did but i always make a pact not to get my family involved
u all can despise my family and stuffs but not in front of me
because i skin you alive for sure
when i get nearer to God,i have many problems because i can see Gos's main intentions
and to add to that
lucky i dont have a girlfriend although i crave for that
i am just not ready
with just 500plus a month,i cant even feed myself
but i made a point to give some to my mum to get
her blessings and 'berkat'
there is alot people dont know about me
the way i live my life
but there is people out there who have harder hardships but they can go on and change it to a better life
i want to meet the people to share and motivate me to be a better person
i swear i want the best for my future and i really want to bring at least 5k a month
but a good soul reminded me this which i planned to ake a motivation sentence for me
"there is no easy life to a easier route"
i got to agree with her
thats what i went through
but people always think i am a happy person which at times i fake it
because i simply dont want people to think i am a person who always wanted sympathy
that's not how i run my business
education is very important
singapore is for the people who are rich
and i guess i got to agree
we are a globalized country with lots of business and building opportunities
Singapore is stating that it wants to be just like US and all those countries that is making well in the industry
and i want to be such person to be there where money is really not an issue
and also i want to be there to prove that i don't forget my religion
for those people who don't pray,its time to slowly start
it doesn't mean i am a holy boy now
NO,i have lots to learn and i hope i stayed this way
one of the reasons or the good things i get when i started praying to Allah
is every time i forget a prayer,i felt a sense of guiltiness
and i tried to do it as soon as possible and i do laze around and delay the time
i really want to set my life straight and anytime fate can just come to me and said
my time is up and i am afraid i wont have time to be prepared
and talking about this makes me a cry boy
i love my dad's mum so much
both sides i mean but at times i felt she is being unfair is her love
but i just hope one day god would opened up her eyes and let her see better
which actually god has opened up a bit but she doenst realize though
she is a great cook and great adviser and shows the love
but at times i felt she should be fair to all parties
nevertheless my cousins have been the best
the Hafiz's Fam Nadiah's Fam Andee's Fam Fateen's Fam
all their parents are very concern although at times some of the girls can be a witch
the one reading this should know and smiling i guess
my bad ((;
& back to where i started
i just pray and hope for happiness of my family and i shall start treating them as it is
dad,forgive me for saying words that are not meant to be said
but i guess words just came out when i was angry
after a smoke i felt much relaxed and i just keep praying for the best of my future
and on top of that
to the soul who chatted with me just now
who takes time telling me things to wake myself up
and also about education
i thank you and you can be one in a million
till then
am so sleepy now
i am working later in the morning and i need some sleep
thanks for taking the time to read and so on
i love you guys
and please show me signs of inspirational words ((:
to those i have hurt
please for give me
and i love you my family