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The Reason I Live.

about me.

Fun Jovial Smiley hykell
just an ordinary guy next door

tagboard .

Nadiah Aiyee Zeella Shikin DoLL Shinx Sexy Adeq Sweets Imah =) LynnRAmlee

Mama Nora-Whispers of Wisdom

Designer/ %PURPUR.black-
Colour Code Icons

archives .
February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 November 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 { 8:58 PM }


You have my heart
And we'll never be w
orlds apart
May be in magazines
But you'll still be my star
Baby cause in the dark
You can't see shiny cars
And that's when you ne
ed me there
With you I'll always share

When the sun shines, we'll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be a friend
Took an oath I'm a stick it out till the end
Now that it's raining more
than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my um
You can stand under my umbrella
Shikin (;
THANKS to you shikin for also being there for me when i need someone to talk to
its surprising isnt it that we can really rely on each other
u got your love problems and u never fail to come to me
and now we can fight who's gonna drive and stuffs
but i am prettty sure u gonna drive fast cars and speed
because i am gonna lay low and drive slowly
because i am still shocked and i am a bit scared to drive
whatever it is we plan one day okay
make sure HAPPEN (:

thanks again for that little post
see thats why i named u shikin doll (;
and we must buy something for our clone
for the baby and not her
and my birthday coming and u better get me something
i hope i am gonna try your SUV (;

this is for you(:

{ 5:45 PM }


I been watching you from way 'cross the room won't cha come and rock it out with me
You catchin' eyes like you catchin' ties
Over here's where you wanna be
It's so familiar, like we met somewhere before
And I'm tired of waitin' baby while you still obey me

feeweet =)
alhamdulilah syukur
the day has finally come
i have pass and obtained my CLASS 3 License
thanks to Allah and parents and my lovely cliques for the prayers and sorts
without you guys
i can never go this far
i really hope those who have failed
dont be disheartened
continue and obtained it

i wake up verly early to get ready
been doing extra prayers to get me by
i went for the warm up at 0830am and i flunked and kene fucked by my own instructor
that didnt bring me down
instead i told myself i can do it
and the clock strikes 10am and i had to report to the room
i was kinda nervous and heart was not intact
then the TP instructor called my name and asked me follow him to start the car
i swear i was very nervous and i checked all my blindspots and everything
did my circuit in10mins and off went to outside and after 5mins
i was told to turn back and follow him into this room
so while he was printing out the results
there i was chanting last minutes prayers
and then he called me
"haikel, u need to check your mistakes but i am proud to say u passed"=)
i was overwhelm and wanting to shout but i just kept vigil and i was told to watch a
10 mins video on road safety
i was shocked when i was given 4points overall
i was super duper happy and i need to get my license done tomorrow
then Ismail pick me up and we went to Johore to pump petrola nd way back to Singapore
time to Buy Car?
time to rent first

to all that has wished me and so
especially Aiyee and her family who prayed for me during their Subuh Prayers
Thanks alot and i love u all
and not to mentioned my loved ones

{ 5:50 AM }


Can we get away this weekend?
Take me to Broadway.
Let's go shopping baby then we'll go to a café.
Let's go on the subway.
Take me to your hood.
I never been to Brooklyn and I'd like to see what's good.
Dress in all your fancy clothes.
Sneaker's looking Fresh to death, I'm loving those Shell Toes.
Walking that walk.
Talk that slick talk.

wake wake up
early morning i am all wake up
going get ready and lookin fresh then ever(;

and for your info
i am nobody's boy

to the people that tag me
thanks yeah for replying
so sweet of you

Monday, April 27, 2009 { 2:59 PM }

Baby, baby
When we first met
I never felt something so strong
You were like my lover
And my best friend
All wrapped into one
With a ribbon on it
And all of a sudden
You went and left
I didn't know how to follow
It's like a shock
That spun me around
And now my heart's dead
I feel so empty and hollow

i am so tired today and thank god i am not hitting to work
just finish my practical &
alhamdulilah it went well & hope it went well tomorrow
i am feeling a little giddy and i seriously need to sleep

and i think thats all i wanna update
tired laa(;

Sunday, April 26, 2009 { 11:29 PM }

I wanna kiss you
But if I do then I might miss you babe
It's complicated and stupid


i am so busy now updating blog and chatting with few people though
writing my notes down and i am getting nervous as
days goes by
but i believe in myself and Allah S.W.T and my fellow parents and loved ones that say a little prayer for me(;
i was on leave today because i was having my pratical at 1130
supposed to be morning shift today and thought wanna wake up late
but this Irwan keep calling and then Kak Ju ask to buy foood
so why not just do them a little favour and bought their favourites
then around 1115 went off to my pratical

everything is quite well
just my parking sucks and i hope i can correct it
and Instructor patient but hot tempered SIAK
but its good for me as i can learn more
been reading my books and writing notes though
i pray all goes well on Tuesday
and like Isha said
'Niat Mesti Mau Baik Kell"
and its true and i hope i can drive my parents around soon
insyallah amin

My Team had planned to hit Johore on Wednesday
our second off to go YummyYummy
makan2 as Out TL & DTL and supposely regulars to Treat us Food
and i cant wait and lucky passport tak MATI/Expired
hope all can make a move and go(;

supposedly tomorrow is my night shift
but i got practical and planned to hit Aiyee's house tomorrow after i am done
its been long since i see your face and your familia
gonna hug u when i see u sister(;

and i was chatting with shikin
and fun la because u keep disturbing and telling me your life stories
and i just wanna remind u
love is pain
without that u dont even know what is love
i maybe be a good listening but at times
i dont pratice what i preach because its simple
i am not perfect but with my energy
i shall go all out for you my friend
like i said
fall and stand up again and learn from the past

and if u all free
dont forget to chant this little prayers
Ya Qawi Ya Qawi Ya Qawi
its good you know
thanks eh Isha

i think its time i settle down on my notes and get ready to do a backflip
and sleep(;
and Imah thanks for making efforts to repair whats left(;

and to Nurse (;
thanks for the concern
i love the attention (;

{ 9:12 PM }

if u are happy and you know
u clap your hands
*clap clap*
if u are happy and you know
u clap your hands
*clap clap*

In the next half hour, tackle as many of the following suggestions as possible. Not only will these tasks themselves increase your happiness, but the mere fact that you've achieved some concrete goals will boost your mood.

Jay Gosney

Jay Gosney

1. Raise your activity level to pump up your energy. If you're on the phone, stand up and pace. Walk to a coworker's office instead of sending an e-mail. Put more energy into your voice. Take a brisk 10-minute walk. Even better...

2. Take a walk outside. Research suggests that light stimulates brain chemicals that improve mood. For an extra boost, get your sunlight first thing in the morning. Find the best walking workout for your exercise style.

3. Reach out. Send an e-mail to a friend you haven't seen in a while, or reach out to someone new. Having close bonds with other people is one of the most important keys to happiness. When you act in a friendly way, not only will others feel more friendly toward you, but you'll also strengthen your feelings of friendliness for other people.

4. Rid yourself of a nagging task. Deal with that insurance problem, purchase something you need, or make that long-postponed appointment with the dentist. Crossing an irksome chore off your to-do list will give you a rush of elation.

5. Create a more serene environment. Outer order contributes to inner peace, so spend some time organizing bills and tackling the piles in the kitchen. A large stack of little tasks can feel overwhelming, but often just a few minutes of work can make a sizable dent. Set the timer for 10 minutes and see what you can do. In that time, take a quick look around the house and see how to get organized using everyday items.

6. Do a good deed. Introduce two people by e-mail, take a minute to pass along useful information, or deliver some gratifying praise. In fact, you can also...

7. Save someone's life. Sign up to be an organ donor, and remember to tell your family about your decision. Do good, feel good―it really works!

8. Act happy. Fake it 'til you feel it. Research shows that even an artificially induced smile boosts your mood. And if you're smiling, other people will perceive you as being friendlier and more approachable. There's no need to walk around in a constant state of worry. After all, what's the worst that can happen if you bounce a check or leave wet clothes in the dryer?

9. Learn something new. Think of a subject that you wish you knew more about and spend 15 minutes on the Internet reading about it, or go to a bookstore and buy a book about it. But be honest! Pick a topic that really interests you, not something you think you "should" or "need to" learn about.

Saturday, April 25, 2009 { 12:56 PM }

've been looking for a driver who's qualified
So if you think that you're the one step into my ride
I'm a fine-tuned supersonic speed machine
With a sunroof top and a gangster lean

So if you feel me let me know, know, know

Come on now what you waiting for, for, for
My engine's ready to explode, explode, explode
So start me up and watch me go, go, go, go


i wish to blog about someone today
and the person's name is aishah
we have known each other since i was secondary 3?
so around few years we have known each other
and we went through different levels of friendship i must say
and the reason i blog about her would be elaborated later
we dance together and we do bad thing(at times) together
life was full of surprises and it went well i must say

Then she became attached with friend of mine whose heart is made of gold
whom u think would not last but actually it does
this person really take good care of aishah's heart
and yeah not to mentioned her family
Allah must have loved them so much because of their devotion towards Islam

i could remember that night
i was super lonely and super down because of problems i had
but they know i am strong person inside and i still can remember the text aishah gave me
and it goes like this
"Haikel,if u have any problems of all sort,dont forget that u have me and saiful to melt and downpour your problems and sorrows"
and it was touching because i used to believe a tale that goes like this
when your friends become attached
they forget you
and its just so natural
that tale sucks because its so not true
and that fateful morning
her brother passed away and it was a sad moment for her
but it changed her life a lot and i have never seen my friend change from so good to superb
but all of us had flaws too and we try to change in whatever we can
i am full of respect for the family you know and we still keep in touch
and please forgive me for my sins loves

and jyeah one more thing
my dear aishah had passed her class 3 people
and i am so gonna announce here
berkat doa keluarga and abang is really happy right aiyee?
i am so proud of youa nd mine's coming
i am so scared duper scared laaa
but i know i can do it

i hope u like the post and we meet soon okay
u are missed and everytime i look at your blog
it reminds us of our childhood thrils

and jyeah i miss my

{ 12:12 AM }

Shes starin at me
I'm sittin wonderin wat shes thinkin.
Nobodies talkin
Cause talkin just turns into s
And now it's I'm yellin over
She yellin over me.

All that that means
Is neither of us is listening.
[and wats even worse]

That we don't even remember why were fighting.

So both of us are mad for...


It was my first off today and it was damm tiring at work
woke up at 3pm and just do my stuffs
text my bro asking him wanna go sheesha
and he agreed so he picked me up after magrib and proceeded in picking up linda and liza
the liza is kepo wanting to follow hahah
so we had dinner @ mackenzie road and proceeded to Al-Majlis
and had sheesha and had tons of laughing and i am so lazy to update
gonna turn in early i guess and tomorow meeting my bestfriend Shada to accompany her for a while and i miss her man =)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 { 8:46 PM }

In the night I hear him talk
The coldest story ever told
Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul
To a woman so heartless (heartless)
How you be so heartless Oh
How could you be so heartless

this the first sentence that came out
im so not in the mood and i dont wanna vent it to my loved ones though
let me briefly explain here

i message my ATL to informed him if i could take E leave tomorrow or
MC as i am having diarrhea after our in-service today and he replied up to u
and i felt something wrong and gave him a call in a nice way hoping he understand
there he goes berserk in the phone and WTF
we colleagues understand the way u handle things but this is not how u should treat me
u are old enough to be my dad and for that i respected u with great honours
u dont have to compare me with anyone greater because it doesnt make any sense
but i be the better one by saying sorry and told u i would come to work although i am dead sick
watch me 'Dad'

and i am damm shag
i miss my loved ones and day is coming (:

Monday, April 20, 2009 { 11:19 AM }


Tonight we dance,
I leave my life in your hands.
We take the floor,
Nothing is forbidden anymore.

Don't let the world in outside.
Don't let a moment go by.
Nothing can stop us tonight!

?Bailamos! - We Dance
Let the rhythm take you over...
Te quiero amor mio - I want you, my love
Wanna live this night forever...
Te quiero amor mio...
?Te quiero! - I want you

I have yet to update about Batam
but when im in the mood okaay
now im feeling so sleepy and moody
shut my cellphone simply because no mood and saved bills
hope my loved ones are doing great

and take a look at my tag board
an idoit tag
but simply an idiot tag la saying was her ex
and its so shocking coz i dont recalled having an ex by the name of idiot
and i never call or being called papa
its so the zaman .......
alright back to sleeping baby(;

Friday, April 17, 2009 { 11:34 PM }

BATAM Post Would BE updated SOON(:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 { 3:42 PM }

When you need it
Girl I try to hide it

But I can't escape it oh baby
Please forgive
When I think of you my thoughts are so x-rated oh baby

Baby I don't give a damn
I know that your man's nowhere in sight oh oh
And your eyes don't tell a
I know you wanna come with me tonight
And I'll see you r
But first you gotta

Push push back upon it (girl)
Make me believe yo
u want it
Push push back upon i
t (girl)
Know I can't go on longin
Push push back upon it (girl)
Go ahead lay it on it (Don'
t stop)
Don't stop until the morning (girl)

Just keep pushing back on it

like i said previously
i went back to sleep and my eyes opened at 12
slack around and then got up and get ready to do some last minute shopping
heading to Batam tomorrow morning after work
so gonna shop there i guess
went to CT hall and Peninsula to get myself a small bag as previous ones are on bad condition
then got myself a T-shirt and U KNOW WHAT
i lost my cool SHADES ):
never mind though );STUSSY CAPNUM Slippers

then headed to NUM and bought the new Slippers that Is Current;y HOT
and got myself a so called stussy cap
and i headed home
spent around $100 today and i am so broke
anyone wanna help me?(;

just kidding
i got to go to sleep now or else i'll be damm shag
pray for my safety people (;

{ 8:30 AM }

We were both young, when I first saw you.
I close my eyes and the flashback starts-
I'm standing there, on a balcony in summer air.

I see the lights; see the party, the ball gowns.
I see you make your way through the crowd-
You say hello, little did I know...

i cant sleep ....
i was wide awake at 0639am in the morning
did my usual and had breakfast
and do my songs in my MP3 and uploading the latest songs
i am gonna get back to sleep soon
coz i am working the night shift and i need lots of rest
heading to Batam with my Colleagues tomorrow and simply cant wait
i pay hard all goes well
i am gonna shop till i drop baby
going for their makan2 and massage
my appetite is big nowadays

and to NURSE =)
sorry for not replying
was busy and if i dont reply yours
i dont reply to others unless its important
and thanks for the care but BF can take good care of you
dont worry about me
i have learned to be independent
and i dont need girls to take good care for me
as for now

i learn to take things slowly
because only that God would show you the correct path
and i dont mean to hurt anybody but its just me
u can step on my G's if you want to

had the VCd that i acted for crimewatch i must say
proud that i am being supported although i was the villain
the bad guy but thanks to the people that made my acting good
insyallah i am gonna venture more on it and
who knows
the next superstar is born
but i always remember what my momma says
Fame?They Dont Last
its Your Prayers and Believe in Allah is What U Preserve
and i am so gonna get back to sleep (;

Monday, April 13, 2009 { 11:11 PM }


I guess you know the Earth is gonna crash into the sun
But that's no reason why we shouldn't have a little fun
So if you think it's scary, if it's more than you can take
Just blow out the candles and have a piece of cake

Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you

i know the clock have yet to strike midnight so it would be 14april 2009
and my dear sister shinx is going a year older
21 or 22
your brother sucks at this though
anyways this post is done for in case i cant wish you at 12am
but whatever it is i just wanna say
Happy Birthday To You
best wishes from me to you
i'll pray for a memorable year and upcoming years ahead
hope u can achieved whatever you wish
and with perseverance comes the word 'contented'
stay true to abang Irwan and hope u guys last
and i know i owe u a pressie and i'll get for u soon
thanks for the advises and sweets talking u had for me & i have nothing to say but a THANK YOU
i hope you enjoyed yourself but dont party too hard okay sister!
see you (;
happy shikin (;?
and mine is in 31days

{ 10:04 PM }


In the night I hear him talk
The coldest story ever told
Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul
To a woman so heartless (heartle
How you be so heartless Oh

How could you be so heartless

How you be so cold

As the winter wind when it breeze yo
Just remember that you talkin to me y
You need to watch the way you talkin to me yo
I mean after all the things that we been
I mean after all the things we got into
Ayo I know it's some thangs that you ain't told me
Ayo I did some things but that's the old me
And now you wanna get me back and you
gon show me
So you walkin round like you don't know me
You gotta a new friend, well I got homies
But in the end it's still so lonely

In the night I hear him talk
The coldest story ever told
Somewhere far along this road, he lost
his soul
To a woman so heartless (heartless)
How you be so heartless? Oh
How could you be so heartless
I am homey now slacking around
guess gonna hit the sheets soon
i wanna sleep early though
still feeling shag and recovering from my flu
i am all alone now
mum's out dad's working
working to earned a good living for all of us
and i pray hard all would go well =)
i been reading my driving books
as my test is coming up soon
dont wanna kecoh2 as still early
but i pray hard that i pass and i dont wanna waste my money too
and went to grandma's house just now and me my grandma and my cousins
bought some food for them an then after an hour proceeded home
tired laa
and i cant wait for BATAM this coming thursday with my boys
my team i mean weewit
gonna have fun and hope it goes well though
and YEAH i took this ITE picture as it showcases my lil cousin hirzi doing the breakdance and he's the chosen one and i am so proud of u cousin
i have set aside some money for BATAM
this month budget tight ):

and yeah oh my
my aunt gonna get married this coming may and i cant wait
i am gonna be the best of the best that day
gonna look great plus the cousins man
its gonna be helluva fun and the jokes we gonna make and stuffs
we gonna rock the wedding jyeah and its gonna be at a banglo chalet
weird but something new for a start
and its gonna be gerek
I am not free on 2nd & 3may people
seriously cant wait
and currently i am addicted to Jai Ho Feat Pussycat Dolls
and i have yet to achieve something in life

and there is something bothering me
it hurts though and i dont know if i am ready for love
things so complicated and i dont want to have any extra thught
i have a feeling the love is there and
all i could say is let naature takes its course
i be your shoulder to cry on

and for YOU that's attached
it hurts but i am still gonna be the same though
last long and be honest in love
only that could bring you to a joyful r/s
u cn say things to me at this time and u can change that in few minutes
no hard feelings


Sunday, April 12, 2009 { 11:54 PM }


Go ahead just leave, can't hold you, you're free
You take all these things, if they mean so much to you
I gave you your dreams, 'cause you meant the world
So did I deserve to be left here hurt
You think I don't know you're out of control
I ended up finding all of this from my boys
Girl, you're stone cold, you say it ain't
You already know I'm not attached to material

I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back
my love

something coincidental happened
both happened to asked me same questions
and its after 5mins each and hope the explanations is true
if not u wont see me anymore
i am so pissed and i can say things and i do it without thinking
but then i give it a chance
i am not ready to lost somebody
and i wont want to say goodbye and period

Work sucks yesterday and i was damm shag
and i slept for just 1hour that night
was waiting for time to pass quickly and it went well
feeling better now but not fully recovered
i slept like a log just now and woke up around 7 and do my stuffs
had light dinner and going to sleep after this
i am still tired nd tomoroow wake up when sun rises
got to do some errands and i think not going to shop this month
i need to save up and then going Batam this coming thursday
with my boys and out TL Jyeah
cant wait to shop and going for massages(the GOOD onr)
and then thats all for updates
and the pictures was random as i wanted to test my camera
dont mind me bustards =)

Thursday, April 9, 2009 { 4:31 PM }

You go hit the lights, I'll set up the camera
Let's get to the action
You go hit the lights, I'll set up the camera
Let's get to the action

I've been thinking about thi
s for some time
I got a freaky temptation burnin' deep inside

You say the strip's already rolling

And the bedroom is the set
I hope you know your lines 'cause one take is all we get

SICK again and but its getting better though
i been downing plum juice barley and just eating cereals
cant eat much as no appetite
my 2nd off day is today & i force myself to go out and get
the FujiFilm Z20FD @ whopping $269/-
cheap or expensive dont come and scold me yaw
i already surveyed and i guess this was the best one
wanted to get another one and its water proof and sleek but
and i force myself out from bed at 2pm and got myself ready
no one was at home though as all went out
Dad = work
Mum = went JB with grandma to pass out the wedding invitation cards to cousins
NOT me but my Last But Not Least Aunty =)
so i am left all alone at home
my lips are dried and i swear i need lots of drinks now
and after buying the camera
i went home straight as i am not that well
SORRY zee that i couldnt pop by to follow you
i was sick and dont wanna to get infections on you
im a RESPONSIBLE person(CEH)
And the reason i bought New camera is because my previous one 'LOSt'
and i definitely had to get a new one and GOING Batam next Week W/out Camera
better dont go right hahahahah
and thats all for today
enough said and Sweets
thanks for the concern+)

Yesterday was my first off and i slept only 2hours and i am all awake
went to meet afdal at my work place and he appeal for his saman
then met the boys at Marina for a movie
Irwan Rik Lin Foo and Myself
and there my working colleagues
too bad melvin can tag along as he is sick
get well soon brother
so we bought the tixs at 6plus and went makan at marina and this one familiar face turns me on
we kept lookin as if we know but to bad for me
i didnt approached you girl
damm coz just wanna ask that u look familiar but where
and back to the movie
damm scary as the first part
i really shouted because i was damm shocked sia
all of the people were laughing like hell and i swear its damm scary
anjat boyboy=)
i swear im not gonna watch for the second time
and after the movie went home and i fell asleep
thats all my fans =)

i need to rest for now

Tuesday, April 7, 2009 { 4:37 PM }


Gotta change my answering machine
Now that I'm alone
Cuz right now it says that we
Can't come to the phone
And I know it makes no sense

Cuz you walked out the door
But it's the only way I hear your voice anymore
(it's ridiculous)
Cream Of Chicken With Old Chang Kee Prawns

I had this just now to make me well

I am so sick right now
FLU hits me right on my nose
and i have been sneezing through the day
and i dont feel like working later on
body aches puffy eyes and all that comes together with flu
and later its gonna be major OPS and i got to do RTSM
the other 2 RTSM officers are down with MC as they are sick
left me alone and if i were to MC that's it Haikel
I went out to NTUC just now to bought some soups and orange juice and plum juice
adn i went to old change kee bought prawns
reached home and cook Soup and add prawns to it
first time doing it and succeeded and it was damm sedap
gonna start work in few hours and it isnt cool man
but work is work =)

well thanks for the concern Sweets
but at times u were a lil two faced
sorry but i got to be honest
look at your blog and your smses
u are 2 different persons
i am done with all these shits and i dont really bother
because i am tired
i got so many things to think about and to settle
but damm u are a nice person =)
no hard feelings
and u made me go sleep peacefully everytime

u are already attached to someone u just know
but no hard feelings though
i appreciate the little things u did
but i wont bother u that much though because u are simply his
and no i am no no in this third party thingy
maybe i know better or maybe not
but u are the sun that turns my day well

i am gonna rest and get ready
and lets pray it rains tonight

rain rain come again today and every time there is major ops
You are the GREATEST

Haemophilus influenzae is a bacterium that was incorrectly considered to cause the flu until the virus was demonstrated to be the correct cause in 1933. This bacterium can cause lung infections in infants and children, and it occasionally causes ear, eye, sinus, joint, and a few other infections, but not the flu.

What are the causes of the flu?

The flu (influenza) viruses

Influenza viruses are divided into three types, designated A, B, and C. Influenza types A and B are responsible for epidemics of respiratory illness that occur almost every winter and are often associated with increased rates of hospitalization and death. Influenza type C differs from types A and B in some important ways. Type C infection usually causes either a very mild respiratory illness or no symptoms at all; it does not cause epidemics and does not have the severe public health impact of influenza types A and B. Efforts to control the impact of influenza are aimed at types A and B, and the remainder of this discussion will be devoted only to these two types.

Influenza viruses continually change over time, usually by mutation (change in the viral RNA). This constant changing often enables the virus to evade the immune system of the host (humans, birds, and other animals) so that the host is susceptible to changing influenza virus infections throughout life. This process works as follows: a host infected with influenza virus develops antibody against that virus; as the virus changes, the "first" antibody no longer recognizes the "newer" virus and reinfection can occur. The first antibody may in some instances provide partial protection against reinfection with an influenza virus.

Type A viruses are divided into types based on differences in two viral surface proteins called the hemagglutinin (H) and the neuraminidase (N). There are 16 known H subtypes and nine known N subtypes. These surface proteins can occur in many combinations. When spread by droplets or direct contact, the virus, if not killed by the host's immune system, replicates in the respiratory tract and damages host cells.

Monday, April 6, 2009 { 6:12 AM }

Damaged, damaged
Damaged, damaged
I thought that I should let you know
That my heart is
Damaged, damaged
So Damaged
And you can blame the one before
So how you gonna fix it, fix it, fix it
How you gonna fix it, fix it, fix it
(Baby I gotta know what you are gonna do?

i off to work in few minutes and i guess i need to blog
before going off for work
and its MONDAY Morning
and it sucks to work during this freakin day
i hope it would be a relax one please?
as the team & i are going for a dinner later on (;
i wonder where

Yesterday had no plans initially
went out around 0830am to visit my baby brother number 2
he is doing well and all
kinda miss his antics and his shits =)
after that i proceeded home and just slacked around when Irwan Kening
called me and asked if i had plans i said NO NO NO
he said to me
I:Eh 5min Boy, mau pe tgk fast & Furious 4?
H:Serious pe kening?kau ni kaki bubble and aku anything but tgk pat vivo okay?aku book through phone
I:ape2 aslkan aku dapat tgk da bagus k g book sekarang
H:okay okay aku book aku bayar alright =)
and the phone went dead and i got ready slowly and decided to grandma's house for a while and my KECOH aunties were there and all were askin where im gonna walk down the aisle?
and i told them sometime in May but dont know which year yet

So i met Irwan @ vivo and walked around first before cathing the movie at 1630hours
it was jam packed and the movie i shall give 6/10
the story line is kinda short but its the fast cars that makes us drool
and after the movie we went back home coz
Im tired =)

Things are getting way out of hand
i am really tired thats why i didnt text you much or called you
i was simply busy and touching my phone is like what i rarely do now
i rather be alone slacking then gettin myself ready for any R/S
i am simply not readyy because its hard for me not because of the PAST
but PRESENT as u know i enjoyed my single life as much i do love to have a partner and all but time would tell
and i tell myself to give you a chance and also to pray for guidance and road to a blossomed path and i hope u could understand me and we meet soon alright

and for NURSE
Congrats for the speedy R/S
and i am happy for you although top of it is damaged
but i still be the same the one you enjoyed talking and the one you SQUIRM about and i just hope for the best and anything
u can holla me up @ my digits yaw (:

okay its gettin late and i better get going

Sunday, April 5, 2009 { 7:31 AM }


Give me them bright lights, long nights
High rise, over time...
Give me the bright lights, long nights
Party til the sun is rising
High rise, over time
Working til the moon is shinning
Hot guys, fly girls... never thought I'd say it
I feel on top of the world
I feel on top of the world... hey}

i am all awake in the morning
even though i can finally close my eyes at 3am and woke up
at 0630hrs and went to shower and do my things
cleaning the room ironing my uniform and cleaning up mess
still feeling pain all over my body
and visiting danial is few hours time with mum
as dad is in K.L doing some business errands

to Nurse
we seriously need to talk and clear the dusty air
it seems u got me all wrong
u misunderstood my intentions
i dont have grudges against Mr F because that would be the last thing a guy should do
he did nothing wrong at all
and nothing is wrong with anyone here
i didnt reply your MSN simply because i was outside and leave my MSN on
and u didnt clear with me about this in HP u see
so i thought nothing of it till i saw your long stretch of MSN messages
i am sorry but tried to talk things out but u were too busy
so i just wait for today and hope it would be a beautiful sunday
and i tell u whats on my mind and i hope it can give u peace
and please dont spread the wrong message to him
dont make us have a fight or something yeah
its not nice girl =)
other that than u are a nice person
and i bukan giler eh nak cari GF (;

and to sweets
thanks for the text message u sent in early wee hours
was touched but wished i can be the torchlight lor
and u owe me some things okay
my Birthday Coming tau
16/05/09 and hope it would be a memorable birthday for me and myself
turning 20 and hope maturity comes in me

i guess i better get ready now
i wouldnt want to be late for anything

{ 2:26 AM }



I am so dead sleepy now
smoking cigga before hitting the sheets
life is as normal
went out for a while just now
friends texted me asking for meet up
but i guess i wanted to be left alone
do some deep thinking and all
in a couple hours of time
I'll be visiting my brother
miss him sey (;

went to Mustaffa Centre to get few things
Pay Day is coming soon and gonna use it for my Batam Trip
with my boys and colleagues
looking forward to it
and for some who tell me i am going to get down and dirty down there
i am so sorry
thats not the HAIKEL that you all know


and we need to settle certain things zee
u got it all wrong babe
so yeah holla me up at my digits
(; peace one love
sleeping now

Friday, April 3, 2009 { 12:05 AM }


I won't tell you that I love you
Kiss or hug you
Cause I'm bluffin' with my muffin
I'm not lying I'm just stunnin' with my love-glue-gunning
I promise this, promise
Check this hand cause I'm m

am dead tired from morning shift and it totally sucks
and now i am going off in few minutes for work
and night shift totally sucks when they bring me back all those
stupid motherfucker drink drivers
and malam ni if they bawa balik and they rty to be funny
confirm kene fuck and colloeagues would start laughing
coz when i get angry, i ge
t hungry =)
makan je banyak tapi badan tetap sexy (Irwan Kening Cakap)
Merepek Buto(;
and yeah Nurse
Go settle things first okay
i wanna take things slowly but i just hope luck's on me baby
and take care of yourself
and yeah i should call u Miss
MMS =)

and thanks fo the ultimate concern u have given me kay
u and i are best friend

and to my dearest HAFA
a man loves u for what u are
he doesnt have to lay hands on you
and its hurt to know from other then from your own
u wont tell me coz u scared farhan is gonna get an earthquake
but just so u know
i care for but its time u get awake by all this bullshits
once a man hits u, he's gonna hit u big time
just take a look at your own idols
Rihanna & Chris Brown

Thursday, April 2, 2009 { 6:00 AM }

I'm Sorry Mama I Never Meant To Hurt You
My Version Of Peace

I am deeply sorry mama for my sudden rudeness
although u know its been long since we argue over the smallest little things
but i guess i was wrong yesterday and NO people
it wasn't an April fool joke
but whatever it is i miss u and i am sorry
take good care of yourself when in JB and u be back today
i am so overwhelm (;
Both Parents left for K.L & J.B respectively
dad in is K.L for some official reasons
Mum is so called expanding her songket business in J.B
We do have strong support from the locals though but just wanna try our luck (;

I be starting work in an hours time and i am so freaking shag
i fell asleep @ 2am after much tossing around
feeling lonely though
i still have puffy eyes now and tired
dont know if i am gonna survived the 12hour shift later on
Redbull? its time to don u down my throat =)

Sorry for not texting you
my mood has been irregular this few days
sometimes i just felt like putting my cell phone down and just slacking around
watch Slumdog Millionaire yesterday but half aje
another half maybe tonight?
tomorrow must wake early and stuffs ):
tommorow Night Shift ):
sucks right
and okay pops
i better get ready for work (;

and to JUJU aka Juliana
kerja kamu nak bully ajer
Bibir Jay Z but the Sexier Version okay(;

Wednesday, April 1, 2009 { 2:08 PM }

You Got 12 Rounds To Win These Game =)

I am so damm tired now
slept at 5am as was watching two movies
that i randomly picked
Ninja Cheerleader(Boring)
and Marigold(Good)
and before that i was out with my boys
watching movie 12rounds
with colleagues
Irwan Lin Melvin Foo Rik & Myself
it was planned on out night shift though and its random
met them around 6 and i was late as usual
12 rounds was very action packed movie
its good and it shows a man's love towards his beau
John Cena did everything he could to save Molly his beau
and it was a great show for all of us
After the show we bump into Shahmee with a friend
just chill a while before we made a move to hit homey
and wish to say it was a great outing and hope we could do it again yeah

and as for u sweetie
i am sorry for the silent treatment
i just need my time alone but i appreciate your concern and care
thanks yeah and sweet blog u have

i was crossing over to aiyee's blog and she wrote about me enjoying my life
  1. macam biasa je appriecate the littlest things in life yeah
see u soon beautiful (;